AGM Peasemore Committee

10th January 2017

Location: Village Hall

Start Time: 19.30

Present: Peter, Dawn, Sarah, Deborah, Gill, Maxeen, Sam, Delia,  

Apologies: None


A PDF Version of the minutes is available for download

A PDF Version of the Chairmans report is available for download


Treasurers Report; See attached
£3513 starting balance and at the year end £4550 
Chairman’s report- See attached 
Vote of Thanks from the remaining members of the committee.
Minutes from previous meeting:
Extractor fan in village hall- complete in 2016 
What are we going to be with the money raised- ongoing 
Election of officers- 
Chairperson- Deborah, proposed 
by Gill, seconded by Delia 
Secretary- Sarah, Proposed by Deborah, seconded by Pete 
Treasurer- Dawn. Proposed by Gill, seconded by Maxeen
New members – 
Sarah Bean, proposed by Deborah, seconded by Gill 
June Hateley proposed by Gill, seconded by Committee
Delia, Max, Sam, Pete and Gill are all still happy to stand 
Any other   Business 
Simon Collins, Sarah Collins, Nicola Walters, Peter (Wright), David Pickney are happy to help 
Thank you from Peter and Adrienne Wright for a lovely Friends of Peasemore Christmas party
Card to be sent from Deborah/ committee to thank Sam Tillotson for the lighting up of the village, can she do it again next year?
Jenny Maskell and Davina Palmer send their apologies – would like to have attended the AGM. 
Nicola Walters- Requests that dates are given out in advance at the beginning of the year for planned events in the village and published on the website 
Message from Davina- Flower festival 10th tea/bric a brac/concert in church by Tim and Tim /11th June, possibility to make this a bigger event if supported by the committee, potential events on the cricket pitch for dog show etc. 
Before commiting to anything specifically, the committee agreed to get all the stakeholders together who are interested in holding a summer event. As the meeting we will share all ideas and decide what exacly we can collaborate on with dates and personnel responsibilities. Deborah to co ordinate ASAP.
Tim Palmer- The GOBs – There is a new set! March 25th “The Summer Time Dance” at the Village Hall, no fee from musicians, funds to go committee, to be organised by committee, few nibbles and drinks , Ticketed event GOBs to confirm dates , 
NW to ask Wests if “the Barn” would be available NW to help organise. 
Discussion on potential spend of the committee funds:
Children’s play idea – PJ and SB to continue looking into it. 
Festival – if we are to go ahead with something like this we will need reserves to draw upon for up front expenditure.
Chairs, on trolley if a double door into the store was made. 
Dehumidifier to be made to drain externally – Gill to enquire Parish    Council
All big ideas to be kept on a back burner until we have talked to all involved about if we need to keep money in the bank for until the 2017 plan is decided.
Pete Wright to replant the tubs outside the church- expenses to be given to Dawn - £50ish budget
Oscar Bean is doing his D of E award and needs to undertake community activities. Ideas are:
Cleaning the village hall PJ to help.
Taking Committee minutes 
Co ordinating the clearing out the village pond 
Going through the Village Scrap Books and present to the committee his findings. Sarah to feedback what Oscar has agreed to 
Future event Ideas for 2017
Curry/Thai night
Bingo- Adult
Bingo – childrens
Easter egg hunt
Call my Bluff
Film night (SB to investigate)
GOB’s Concert 
Childrens Christmas party
Friends of Peasemore Christmas dinner
Fete or Festival or Open Village type event 
Date for next meeting; Was proposed as Wednesday 25th January at Sarah’s House “Limerick House” 7.30pm, however Sarah cannot make this now so please await confirmation of either the 24th or 25th and the venue
Note post meeting – Barn not available for the Good Old Boys so we will go ahead with the 25th in the village hall